
Advice for Writers

As you've been out and about on other social platforms for feedback sites, you may have found from time to time that not every user online has the best of intentions at heart.  Maybe someone said something that bothered you, or worse, you learned the hard way that the internet can be a risky place.  Every now and again we've all come across some bad actors out there with cruel intentions in mind.  Thankfully, we're here to help change that.  If you haven't already, visit our About Us page to understand our social rooms and safe spaces for sharing ideas.
Always remember, if you'd like your possts to be enjoyed and well received, don't hide behind the anonymity of the site to blast people. The anonymity of the site is intended to help keep our users safe, not to provide a mask to hide behind.  Further, discretion and brevity are always effective characteristics for aSuggestion posts.  
Before you author your comment, we suggest you take a moment or two and think.  The site will support a 2000 character limit to help ensure that posts are concise.  At all times, consider the "suggestee" in formulating your commentary and offer constructive, genuine feedback and ideas.  
As an added bonus, aSuggestion offers a rewrite service if you're struggling in writing your suggestion or if you're concerned your words could be misinterpreted.  Send a note and a team member will happily help you to craft something thoughtful and meaningful.
aSuggestion.  Life Improved.

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aSuggestion is a service engineered for anonymous sharing of ideas with those organizations that matter to you most!

aSuggestion is a pro-social network designed to safely send anonymous suggestions to the right people.

Once logged in, you can shadow organizations, make and reply to suggestions and interact with our vibrant community.

Best of all it's completely free!