Problem: Our managers aren't even player/coaches . . . they just "coach" (badly) Solution: If a manager has less than 6 people under him, cut him loose.
How about all the managers that manage less than 6 people? We have a ton of managers with less than 6 direct reports. Most managers don't do any work, they "manage", so they should be able to manage 6 people. Enbridge' s rule of 3 direct repor...(more)
a while ago
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33% Agree
67 % Disagree
While you may be right about the managers spending too much time on paperwork and processes, I am still waiting to meet more than 10% managers that i would call competent. They can't baby sit anyone about anything bc they have never done the work. They always had smarter people under them to take care of it. If the managers aka management were so smart, they wou...... (more)
a while ago
There probably are too many managers at Enbridge, but keep in mind that much of a people leader's time right now is spent trying to stay on top of Corporate's constant policy changes, initiatives, and attending the related training... and dealing with endless b---s--- that's been created by outsourcing functions like AP and the IT Helpdesk. God help you when you hire someone new and have to deal with the ...... (more)
a while ago
I thought the rule for direct reports (following the BOEF changes) was 6 to 7 direct reports per people leader. Maybe I'm getting it confused with the number of leve...... (more)
a while ago
As an “oldie”, I do agree the company hasn't figured out how to leverage their talent properly. But I have to add, that this is nothing new. The diffence between successful corporations and corporations destined for obscurity is the ability to focus and then lead all that talent to a much greater goal. When thousands of talented craftsmen, technical experts,...... (more)
Solution: If a manager has less than 6 people under him, cut him loose.