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aSuggestion is a service engineered for anonymous sharing of ideas with those organizations that matter to you most!

Be the Triple Threat!

Problem: Feeling stuck or unsure how to reach your full potential.
Solution: Combine skills, drive, and a positive outlook for success.
Here is the formula for achievement: ability, motivation, and attitude.

Ability: These are your skills and talents - what you're naturally good at or can learn.

Motivation: This is your "why" - the passion and drive that fuels your actions.


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Lunaaa profile image
  • 50 mins ago
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Problem: feel like things don't go your way?
Solution: keep going keep pushing through it
When your riding a bike you can go side by side you can lean a little bit and then catch yourself but if you stand still your going to fall that gets you no where it is hard, but thats when its most important that u need ...(more)

Lunaaa profile image
  • 1 hours ago
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Problem: In need of a game?
Solution: Try out Rounds the game
Rounds is an engaging game where 2 people duel against each other in a 5 round match. Both parties at the start of each match gets a card that grants them certain buffs or certain debuffs, but don't view the debuffs as a bad aspect, it might make you win.

The rounds goes best out of 3, each requiring 2 rounds to win, winning one round grants you one point out of 5. However don't worry about losing, after losing a round, you are able to get another card that...

SkyKiko profile image
  • 2 hours ago
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Problem: Want a new rap artist to listen to?
Solution: Try out The act
If you're looking for new catchy rappers to listen to, I got you ! If you like artist Playboi Carti, then you might like the act! The act is definitely one of my new favorite rappers and I'll give you a couple reasons why I love his music. The first reason why I love his music is because of his beats. We all know that the beat makes a song and that even if the lyrics are stupid, sometimes the beat can save this song ultimately. But this isn't the case with the act, because his beats and his lyrics are incredibly catchy and flow together perfectly. Another reason why I love the act is because he's not afraid to show representation and influence from other artists. For example, he has a couple songs i...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 3 hours ago
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Problem: Feeling down?
Solution: Try reverting back to the things that little you would enjoy!
Have you ever heard of the saying “you're too old for that.“ I sure have! And although sometimes it is true for people to be doing things that they're too old for, I noticed that people tend to throw the phrase around over stupid things. As we get older, we're gonna miss our youth, especially the things that we used to love as children. I believe that as a teenager, an adult and even an old person. there's nothing wrong with going back to do the things that little you would enjoy....(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 3 hours ago
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Problem: Want to know how to be more considerate?
Solution: Read this
Being considerate is a characteristic that I believe everybody should have. When it comes to being on time, being mindful with how you speak, and even being mindful with other people and their feelings, it should all be considered an implemented into your personality. Being considerate shows people that you care and that you're being generous. This could not only make people feel more trustworthy towards you, but it could also make them feel more comfortable with the relationship they have with you. I also wanted to talk about some ways you could work on being considerate. One way you can be considerate is simply by looking out for people. It's always good to give to people who need, and it's also good to look out for them. There are many different ways to look out for the people you love, and even for the people that you may not know very well. Some people are in need of food and clothes, while others...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 3 hours ago
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Problem: Want to be more considerate of how you speak?
Solution: Read this
If you're like me, sometimes when I get into arguments or certain scenarios where I'm going back-and-forth with a person, I tend to get mad very easily, and my tone can trigger the situation. Today, I wanna talk about correcting your tone when you speak to people, especially your friends. The main reason you wanna focus on your tone is because you don't want to be perceived as a nasty person, and you also want to be considerate of people's feelings. It's very easy to get the wrong impression of somebody due to how they speak or react in certain situations. This is another reason why working on your tone is...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 3 hours ago
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Problem: Want a 90's drama anime to watch?
Solution: Watch Peach girl
Are you looking for a new interesting 90s drama anime to watch? Well I got you! There's this new anime that I started recently called peach girl, and I'm actually super intrigued with it. I really do like anime and the concept of it, but I do have trouble finding anime's that I'm interested in. I came across the conclusion that I enjoy drama animes the most rather than certain action ones. But without further notice, let's focus on talking about peach girl. Peach girl is about a girl named Momo and her best friend Psy. Although the whole school sees them as friends, they don't really like each other. Psy likes...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 3 hours ago
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Problem: Want a new entertainment company to invest your time with?
Solution: Watch A24 movies
A24 is probably my favorite entertainment company ever! I feel like it's hard to find one singular entertainment company that is versatile with the genres of movies that they make, but A24 is perfect for that. Some movies and TV shows that might sound familiar to you is euphoria, mid 90s, hereditary and so much more. When it comes to A24 they have so many extraordinary elements that they throw into their movies. Between the Easter eggs, the incredible acting, and the strategy to weird someone out and intrigue them at the same time really reels me in. Although some of the movies might go a little bit overboard with the uncomfortableness, they still make a way t...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 3 hours ago
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