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Problem: Feeling lost or unsure what path to take.
Solution: Curiosity fuels exploration and opens doors to new possibilities.
Sometimes, the most important thing is to be curious and ask questions. Why? Because those questions can spark a journey of exploration and discovery. By questioning the world around you, you open yourself...(more)

Gold Standard profile image
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Other Recent Suggestions
Problem: Want to take your school work more seriously?
Solution: Study!!!!
To be honest, I've only studied about five times in my entire life of being in school, which is terrible. I don't want to encourage that behavior, but I know that many other students and kids experience the same thing. As I'm going into college, I'm starting to be more aware of the seriousness of studying, therefore I would like to encourage you guys to take studying seriously and try to do it more often when you have test or just in general. I know test are super annoying, but most of the time a huge percentage of our grade relies on it. We also have to remember that test are purposely show that we know what we are learning, but you don't need to take a test to prove...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 6 hours ago
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Problem: Want a new coming of age thriller?
Solution: Watch this
Assassination nation is a fun coming of age thriller, which is something that you don't usually see. The movie surrounds a plot that holds similar elements to the purge and gossip girl, which is a very weird combination, but let me explain. In Assassination nation there is an anonymous user online, exposing as many people as they can in the local school in town. People start to go insane and fed up with personal and federal information getting out that they start to point fingers at people, specifically a group of four girls that are best friends. These girls ...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 6 hours ago
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Problem: Dealing with the anguish of a New York sports championship?
Solution: Relive the glory days of New York NFL football at the turn of the century!
Following a 12-4 regular season record, the Giants advanced to the 2000 NFC Championship after defeating the Philadelphia Eagles in the divisional round of the playoffs. The Giants would face a seemingly formidable opponent in the Minnesota Vikings. The Vikes boasted an impressive offensive unit, with hot-handed rookie QB Daunte Culpepper leading the charge which featured the already legendary WR duo in Randy Moss and Cris Carter. Moss and Carter previously helped Minnesota post a 15-1 record and an NFC Championship berth in 1998, although they lost a heartbreaker to Atlanta in that round. The Vikings looked to redeem that loss and advance to the Super Bowl in 2000. They did not. The Giants absolutely torched the Vikings secondary for 41 points, while putting up ...(more)

floridabornchamp2007 profile image
  • 6 hours ago
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This is one of my favorite quotes, you can always rewrite your story have a good ending every day is a new beginning, we can't go back ...(more)

yummyy profile image
  • 6 hours ago
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Problem: Tried of starting your day unenergized?
Solution: Eat your breakfast!
Breakfast is often presented as the most important meal of the day for several reasons. Firstly, after an overnight fast, consuming breakfast replenishes the body's energy stores, kickstarting the metabolism and providing the necessary fuel to face the day ahead. A balanced breakfast rich in nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats supports cognitive function, concentration, and memory, crucial for both children's learning abilities and adults' productivity at work! Furthermore, regular breakfast consumption has been linked to better weight management, as it helps regulate appetite throughout the day, reducing the likelihood of overeating later. Additionally, breakfast provides an...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 7 hours ago
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Problem: can't finish your dream
ya ever woke up mid way from a good dream but...(more)

Lunaaa profile image
  • 7 hours ago
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Problem: not sure if your ready to be in a relationship ?
Solution: here are 4 important things to have before dating!
hey everyone, before getting into a relationship it is important to have self worth as long as you know your worth you do not need to prove your worth because somebody that sees your worth is the only person that you should wanna be in a relationship with,Another is Self Respect it may be hard, but know u can stand up for yourself respect yourself enough to not be spoken to in...(more)

Lunaaa profile image
  • 7 hours ago
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Nature plays a profound role in human development, influencing physical, emotional, and cognitive growth in various ways. Exposure to natural environments has been linked to improved overall well-being, reduced stress levels, and enhanced cognitive function. Interacting with nature fosters curiosity and stimulates creativity! Especially in children, as they explore and engage with natural elements. Moreover, spending time outdoors encourages physical activity, promoting better physical health and development. The diversity and complexity of natural landscapes also contribute to mental resilience and problem-solving skills, as individuals navigate unfamiliar terrain and encounter new ch...(more)

TTripMarii profile image
  • 7 hours ago
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Problem: Feeling alone or unsupported in your goals.
Solution: Celebrate each other's wins & build a support system that lifts you all up.
Life's journey is more fun (and way easier) with a squad by your side.
This doesn't just mean cheering on your...

Gold Standard profile image
  • 8 hours ago
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