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UMass Dartmouth End the F

Problem: UMassD choose to close the budget deficit for FY20 by furloughing the lowest paid workers o
Solution: Bring these workers back to campus
UMass Dartmouth choose to close the budget deficit for FY20 by furloughing the lowest paid workers on campus, the clerical staff (AFSCME members) and the maintenance and trades staff (Maintainers). The members of these unions were told by the administration that they would be "made whole" or better by filing for MA State Unemployment Insurance and receiving the $600 Federal bonus. The members agreed to furloughs to assist campus in this time of financial need.

The campus was assured by the Chancellor in a Town Hall that this was "shared sacrifice" and the the members of the administration (who earn 5x's or more what AFSCME and Maintainers earn) would be taking either 5 day furloughs or 8 day furloughs for FY20.

Now we learn that due to widespread fraud, members of the University community filing for UI are having their applications blocked while the fraud is investigated. This means that some earning $40,000 per year have had their hours cut...

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Solidarity.. stand to...... (more)
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Fairness, hu...... (more)
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Other Recent Suggestions
Problem: Invisible disabilities often remain underrecognized in the fight for disability rights.
Solution: Events like "Defiant Lives" screenings and discussions promote awareness and inclusivity.
October marks Disability Awareness Month, spotlighting the ongoing struggle for disability rights. At MSU, the month will be commemorated by showing the documentary Defiant Lives, which chronicles the history of disability rights activism. The 2017 film, directed by Sarah Barton, features interviews with over 30 leading activists and contains 600 pieces of archival footage, tracing the progress made over the past 40 years. The screenings will take place every Thursday starting October 17, with discussions following each 30-minute interval of the documentary.

Beth Claussen, director of Accessibility Resources at MSU, explains that while the disability rights movement was initially driven by activists with physical disabilities, today, there is growing recognition of invisible disabilities such a...

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Problem: Lack of early end-of-life planning creates challenges in providing compassionate care.
Solution: Engage interdisciplinary teams in proactive planning to ensure dignified and personalized care.
As the first generation of individuals diagnosed with autism ages, new challenges related to end-of-life care are emerging. A comprehensive interdisciplinary teamβ€”comprising professionals like behavior analysts, nurses, speech pathologists, and occupational therapistsβ€”has found that early conversations about end-of-life plans are crucial in ensuring compassionate care for aging individuals with developmental disabilities. Autism often comes with communication difficulties, making it essential to identify and document preferences before health declines.

The number of adults with intellectual disabilities over 60 is expected to double by 2030. Many of these individuals face higher rates of health issues like epilepsy, diabetes, and heart failure. Planning for their end-of-life care is challenging but necessary, particularly when individuals cannot easily express their wishes. Regular assessments and ongoing conversations involv...

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Problem: Stress getting to you?
Solution: Support System for Caregivers
If you're a caregiver feeling overwhelmed, start by building a support network. For example, you could reach out to family members to help with daily tasks or schedule regular check-ins with friends to share your feelings and challenges. Consider joining an online caregiver fo...(more)

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Problem: Feeling discourage about finding a job?
Solution: Staying Positive During the Job Search
If you're struggling with job rejections, try setting a goal to apply to 3-5 jobs per week and celebrate small wins, like getting an interview or receiving positive feedback. For example, after submitting a few applications, take a break by doing something you enjoy, like going for...(more)

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Problem: Many states are failing to meet EPSDT requirements for children with developmental disabilities.
Solution: CMS is pushing states to comply with EPSDT mandates, ensuring comprehensive care access.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is reinforcing its mandate that states fulfill their obligations under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) program, which ensures comprehensive care for children on Medicaid, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Recent guidance stresses that states must provide a full range of preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services, from well-child visits to behavioral and specialized medical care.

The updated 57-page guidance highlights the need for adequate access to pediatric specialists and out-of-state care when in-state resources are insufficient. CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure emphasized the agency's commitment to ensuring that all children get the care they need when they need it, stating that access to pediatric care, including behavioral health, must be...

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Problem: Looking for a caffeine alternative?
Solution: Try drinking matcha!
If you're seeking a caffeine alternative, matcha tea offers a steady energy boost without the typical crash. Packed with antioxidants, matcha helps protect the liver, impro...(more)

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Matcha...... (more)
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