Problem: Masking can hide challenges, leading to overlooked support needs for autistic adults. Solution: Foster understanding, empathy, and proactive support for all autistic individuals.
While much of the autism community focuses on children, autistic children grow into autistic adults who often continue to need support—whether or not they mask their challenges. Masking allows autistic individuals to appear neurotypical, but this can lead to their needs being underestimated or overlooked entirely. Just because someone “seems normal” or has achieved professional success doesn't mean they aren't struggling with emotional challenges, executive functioning tasks like managing money or grocery shopping, or social pressures.
Autistic adults, particularly those with "lower support needs," may suppress their emotions to avoid creating discomfort for others. This internalized stress can lead to emotional harm or health issues. Many learn to “suffer in silence” because they are socially aware enough to avoid expressing discomfo...(more)
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Wonderful post. People whom are disability are different in better ways bec...... (more)
Problem: Do you know who had one of the most streamed songs worldwide this year? Solution: FLOYYMENOR has one of the most-streamed songs in the world this year.
Problem: Do you know what Donald Trump want to do in regards to jobs? Solution: Donald Trump and SoftBank CEO announced $100B AI Investment to create 100K US Jobs.
Revealed at Mar-a-Lago, the funding will focus on artificial intelligence projects and the essential infrastructure to support them.
This collaboration is the...(more)
Keep it simple
6 hours ago
You can post your comment every day between 9:00AM and 5:00PM and now it is 2:38AM PDT
Problem: Why are flights getting longer? Solution: The bureau of transportation says that flights are actually getting longer.
An analysis of Bureau of Transportation Statistics data reveals that flight durations have notably increased, with route like JFK to Los Angeles taking 23 minutes longer than in 1995, though this extension is largely attributed to the deliberate airline strategy called “padding.”
This practice where airline intentionally extend schedules flight time beyond actual flight duration, serves multiple purposes: it...(more)
Keep it simple
7 hours ago
You can post your comment every day between 9:00AM and 5:00PM and now it is 2:38AM PDT
Solution: Foster understanding, empathy, and proactive support for all autistic individuals.
Autistic adults, particularly those with "lower support needs," may suppress their emotions to avoid creating discomfort for others. This internalized stress can lead to emotional harm or health issues. Many learn to “suffer in silence” because they are socially aware enough to avoid expressing discomfo...(more)