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aSuggestion is a service engineered for anonymous sharing of ideas with those organizations that matter to you most!

Damned if you do.

As I am sitting here and watching the news this evening, I can't say I am surprised with the criticism aimed at my school district. I am saddened to see our former chief of police criticize our superintendent's decision to keep all of our schools closed today. Imagine this: what if Superintendent Cortines kept the threat letter from the public, opened schools, and an attack did occur? Can you imagine the outrage? can you imagine the name-calling? Please understand that I'm not condoning the behavior of whomever penned this...(more)

Starfish profile image
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Look i understand but think you're wrong. News says New York got the same warning and they stayed open. I had to call in sick and mess up my whole day for nothing to ...... (more)
Padres profile picture
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Other Recent Suggestions
Problem: Feeling lonely or isolated.
Solution: Think about solitude as an opportunity for self-discovery and inner peace.
Solitude can be a beautiful and fulfilling experience. It can provide a sense of calm, clarity, and connection wi...(more)

Ampt profile image
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Problem: Feeling overwhelmed by a flood of ideas.
Solution: Focus on your vision and turn ideas into reality.
Having a clear vision is essential for turning ideas into reality.
When we focus on our goals and follow our passions, we're m...

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Problem: Ableism and societal norms restrict emotional expression and acceptance of neurodiversity.
Solution: Welcome vulnerability and advocating for neurodivergent individuals promotes social justice.
In a viral moment that touched millions, Gus Walz, a neurodivergent teen, broke traditional norms of masculinity by showing joy and pride for his father, demonstrating that "real boys cry." Gus, diagnosed with non-verbal learning disorder, anxiety, and ADHD, has taught society valuable lessons about emotional authenticity and the strength in vulnerability. His family shared that his neurodivergence is not a setback, but his "secret power." Gus' ability to express himself in the moment has challenged society's expectations that often restrict emotional expression, especially in boys.

However, Gus' tears were met with mockery and ableist insults from some online, revealing the deep-rooted fear and misunderstanding that many stil...

W&C profile image
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Problem: Feeling limited or constrained by expectations.
Solution: Expand your horizons and explore the endless possibilities of life.
Believe in the boundless potential that exists within each of us.

When we dwell in possibility, we open ourselves up to a world of oppor...

Ampt profile image
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Problem: Overconfidence and lack of awareness can lead to setbacks.
Solution: Balance confidence with a willingness to learn and grow.
While confidence is essential, it's important to be aware of our limitations and continue learning. A combination of knowledge, humility, and confidence is ...(more)

Hooty Hoo profile image
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Problem: Feeling discouraged or overwhelmed by challenges.
Solution: Find the silver lining in difficult times and appreciate the growth they bring.
Even the most difficult experiences can be blessings in disguise.
Often, it's through pain and disappointment that we learn the most...

Hooty Hoo profile image
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Problem: Feeling hesitant or afraid to step outside your comfort zone.
Solution: Show up, even when it's tough.
Even when we feel scared or unsure, taking the first step can be the most courageous act. Ste...(more)

Hooty Hoo profile image
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Problem: Feeling like the world's problems are insurmountable.
Solution: Shift your perspective and be the change you want to see.
The world we experience is a reflection of our own thinking.

To create positive change, we must first change our mindset. <...

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