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6ix9ine has no place perf

Problem: We don't support pedofiles.
Solution: Cancel his show.
Toad's Place will be hosting an event and profiting off an act who plead guilty to three charges of "Sexual Misconduct With A Child". 6ix9ine has had an relationship with an underage 13 year old and continues to make light of ...(more)

Blocker profile image
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Toad's can do better than this. A legendary establish...... (more)
Do Better profile picture
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I don't condone having a pedophile in somewhere a venue where there's going to be a bunch ...... (more)
Boola profile picture
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Other Recent Suggestions
Problem: Feeling stuck in the past or dwelling on regrets.
Solution: Look ahead with hope and anticipation.
The future holds endless possibilities. It encourages us to let go of the past and focus on the exciting adventures that ...(more)

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Problem: Feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
Solution: Find humor and enjoy a moment of relaxation.
Laughter instantly lifts our spirits.
It's like a mini-vacation for our minds and bodies.
So, take a break, find so...

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Problem: Your cat is overgrooming and losing fur?
Solution: Check for allergies or stress factors and use a calming collar!
Overgrooming can be a sign of allergies or stress in cats. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause is important, a...(more)

lili2603 profile image
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Good to kno...... (more)
Naru profile picture
  • 2 weeks ago
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Oh wow I d...... (more)
Joy68 profile picture
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Problem: Feeling overwhelmed by the future or stuck in the past.
Solution: Prioritize the present moment and create a positive foundation for the future.
The best way to prepare for the future is to focus on doing our best in the present moment.

By living in the present, w...

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Problem: A record number of drownings among children with autism is occurring this summer.
Solution: First responders and the public must prioritize searching water areas when a child goes missing.
Advocates are raising alarms over a sharp rise in drownings involving children with autism this summer. An "urgent alert" has been issued by the National Autism Association and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, urging the public and first responders to check areas with water first when a child with autism goes missing. This alert is crucial, as drowning incidents are increasingly linked to wandering behavior in children with autism.

Since June, 27 children with autism and two adults on the spectrum have drowned, with 44 autism-related wandering deaths confirmed for the year. The actual numbers are likely higher, as many cases go unreported. The typical drowning victims are young children under age 9, often found in natural bodies of water like po...

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