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aSuggestion is a service engineered for anonymous sharing of ideas with those organizations that matter to you most!

Focus on the Future

Problem: Feeling stuck in the past or dwelling on regrets.
Solution: Look ahead with hope and anticipation.
The future holds endless possibilities. It encourages us to let go of the past and focus on the exciting adventures that ...(more)

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Other Recent Suggestions
Problem: Feeling broken or flawed.
Solution: Accept imperfections and find hope in the cracks.
Imperfections are a natural part of life.
It's in the cracks, the flaws, and the vulnerabilities that we often find beauty, i...

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Problem: Feeling overwhelmed or burdened by life's responsibilities.
Solution: Reframe your perspective and appreciate the beauty of life.
Life is a gift, not an obligation.
Make the most of every moment.
Shift perspectives from see...

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Problem: Feeling like things aren't going well or that the outcome is predetermined.
Solution: Focus on a strong start and maintain a positive mindset throughout.
A positive start sets the tone for the entire process, making it more likely to end successfully.

So, let's approach our ...

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Problem: Feeling stuck or unmotivated.
Solution: Turn awareness into action and create positive change.
While it's easy to notice problems, it's the courage to take action that creates change.

Don't just b...

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Problem: Feeling surrounded by negativity or unsupportive people.
Solution: Cultivate a positive and uplifting community.
The people we surround ourselves with can significantly impact our mood, mindset, and overall well-being.

Let's choose to surround ...

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Problem: Family caregivers lack sufficient resources to support their health and caregiving responsibilities.
Solution: NCCC mobilizes volunteers to assist family caregivers, older adults, and disabled individuals
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has awarded $5 million to expand Community Care Corps, a national volunteer program aimed at supporting family caregivers, older adults, and individuals with disabilities. Managed by the Oasis Institute, in partnership with Caregiver Action Network, USAging, and Altarum, the program enlists volunteers to provide essential nonmedical assistance such as companionship, transportation, and respite care. This initiative addresses the increasing need for caregiving support, enabling individuals to maintain independence and live with dignity in their communities.

This new investment builds upon ACL's ongoing efforts, including...

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Problem: Autism service providers often struggle to connect with families needing their support.
Solution: Professional networking helps autism service providers build connections and grow visibility.
For autism service providers, professional networking is essential for reaching families and establishing a strong presence in the community. Mary Ann Hughes, founder of Special Family Transitions LLC, shares her insights on how networking helped her business grow and become more visible. By leveraging social media, attending in-person events, and joining professional organizations, service providers can build relationships and increase their credibility in the field.

Hughes emphasizes the importance of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, which allow professionals to share valuable content and develop a connection with their audience. This fosters the Know-Like-Trust factor, crucial for building trust with families seeking autism services.

Joining organizations ...

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Problem: Feeling overwhelmed or stressed by life's challenges.
Solution: Cultivate a calm and focused mindset to overcome adversity.
Our minds are our most potent weapon.
When faced with challenges, a calm and collected mind can help us think clearly, make...

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Problem: Feeling insecure or comparing yourself to others.
Solution: Remember everyone has a unique journey, filled with both highlights and challenges.
Social media often presents a curated version of reality, highlighting only the best moments.

It's important to remember that everyone...

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aSuggestion is a pro-social network designed to safely send anonymous suggestions to the right people.

Once logged in, you can shadow organizations, make and reply to suggestions and interact with our vibrant community.

Best of all it's completely free!