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Management Buyout

All Directors are being briefed on the Management Buyout by Finance at 9 AM ET tomorrow (Friday). Employee communications will take place tomorrow afternoon. Details are as follows:

All non-union Verizon Wireline employees are eligible

3 weeks for every year service (capped at 60 weeks)

60 weeks of Cobra (free medical/dental/vision)

The company "will" allow unemployment benefits

Unused vacation time will be paid

STI awards will be paid

Stock awards will be honored

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I wonder if this will effect Wireless Corporate (non-retail) employees as well. Does anyone know? It would make sense either way, no bad press for VZ, get rid of employees that have been around forever (even if we did pour everything...... (more)
Frizz profile picture
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This offer may not be the greatest, but this is a strong sign of a future sale of the wireline assets. Employee headcount reductio...... (more)
Wake profile picture
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Heard similar that it’s 30 day severance after. And yes that they want to unload headcount to sell wireline. I also believe that was a reason the company...... (more)
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Problem: Feeling lonely or isolated.
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Problem: Ableism and societal norms restrict emotional expression and acceptance of neurodiversity.
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In a viral moment that touched millions, Gus Walz, a neurodivergent teen, broke traditional norms of masculinity by showing joy and pride for his father, demonstrating that "real boys cry." Gus, diagnosed with non-verbal learning disorder, anxiety, and ADHD, has taught society valuable lessons about emotional authenticity and the strength in vulnerability. His family shared that his neurodivergence is not a setback, but his "secret power." Gus' ability to express himself in the moment has challenged society's expectations that often restrict emotional expression, especially in boys.

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