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aSuggestion is a service engineered for anonymous sharing of ideas with those organizations that matter to you most!

Work to get better

Problem: Change is hard
Solution: But when we're changing, we're actually getting a little close to perfection
Be open to feedback and criticism.

Be willing to grow.

While you'll n...

Yuckles profile image
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Other Recent Suggestions
Problem: Feeling hesitant or afraid to step outside your comfort zone.
Solution: Show up, even when it's tough.
Even when we feel scared or unsure, taking the first step can be the most courageous act. Ste...(more)

Hooty Hoo profile image
  • 9 hours ago
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Problem: Feeling like the world's problems are insurmountable.
Solution: Shift your perspective and be the change you want to see.
The world we experience is a reflection of our own thinking.

To create positive change, we must first change our mindset. <...

Hooty Hoo profile image
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Problem: Needing a new series to pick up?
Solution: Try Before the Coffee Gets Cold!
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi tells the touching stories of people who visit a café where they can travel back in time. Each character faces th...(more)

Monkie profile image
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Problem: Feeling defined by past mistakes.
Solution: Accept mistakes as opportunities for growth and development.
Mistakes are a natural part of life, and they offer valuable lessons.

Our mistakes are opportunities for growth, learn from them, ...

Hooty Hoo profile image
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Problem: Feeling overwhelmed by negativity or lack of hope.
Solution: Spread kindness and inspire positivity.
When we perform good actions, we not only strengthen ourselves but also inspire others to do the same.
Choose to be the c...

Hooty Hoo profile image
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Problem: Struggling with resentment or anger.
Solution: Let go of judgment and embrace forgiveness for a happier life.
Holding onto judgment and anger can weigh us down and prevent us from finding true happiness. By choosing to forgive, we release ourselves fr...(more)

Hooty Hoo profile image
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Problem: Traditional diagnostic systems overlook the overlap between neurodivergent conditions.
Solution: A transdiagnostic approach recognizes shared characteristics across neurodivergent conditions.
A recent article in World Psychiatry proposes a new framework for understanding neurodivergent conditions such as autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities. Led by Dr. Giorgia Michelini from Queen Mary University of London, the research introduces a "neurodevelopmental spectrum" model. This approach emphasizes the shared characteristics of neurodivergent conditions, challenging the traditional use of rigid diagnostic labels like those in DSM-5 and ICD-11, which treat these conditions as distinct categories.

Around 15% of the global population is neurodivergent, and many individuals experience co-occurring mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The proposed dimensional framework allows clinici...

W&C profile image
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Problem: Feeling stuck or limited by a rigid plan.
Solution: Be flexible, adapt, and explore different paths.
The path to success is often unpredictable and full of twists. Be open-minded, adaptable, and willing to explore different optio...(more)

Yeah, that's it profile image
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Problem: Feeling broken or flawed.
Solution: Accept imperfections and find hope in the cracks.
Imperfections are a natural part of life.
It's in the cracks, the flaws, and the vulnerabilities that we often find beauty, i...

Yeah, that's it profile image
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