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aSuggestion is a service engineered for anonymous sharing of ideas with those organizations that matter to you most!

You Can't Just Think Abou

Problem: Feeling stuck between ideas and taking action.
Solution: Balance your vision with action to achieve your goals.
Having something to strive for is awesome, but it's only the first step. Just dreaming (without action) won't get you there. On the o...(more)

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Problem: Feeling overwhelmed or scared by change.
Solution: Dive in, adapt, and enjoy the ride!
Instead of resisting change, jump right in, move with the flow, and enjoy the ride.

Change can lead to exciting n...

Gold Standard profile image
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Problem: Feeling lost or unsure what path to take.
Solution: Curiosity fuels exploration and opens doors to new possibilities.
Sometimes, the most important thing is to be curious and ask questions. Why? Because those questions can spark a journey of exploration and discovery. By questioning the world around you, you open yourself...(more)

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Problem: Feeling stuck or unsure how to reach your full potential.
Solution: Combine skills, drive, and a positive outlook for success.
Here is the formula for achievement: ability, motivation, and attitude.

Ability: These are your skills and talents - what you're naturally good at or can learn.

Motivation: This is your "why" - the passion and drive that fuels your actions.


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Problem: Feeling discouraged by setbacks or failures.
Solution: Getting back up builds resilience and makes you stronger.
Every challenge you face, every setback you overcome, makes you a little bit stronger and more prepared for the future.
So don't b...

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Problem: Feeling limited by expectations or fear of the unknown.
Solution: Unleash your imagination and dream beyond the impossible.
The coolest stuff often start as ideas that seem impossible.
Don't be afraid to break free from expectations and imagine things ...

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Problem: Waiting for the perfect opportunity to take action.
Solution: Don't wait - create your own opportunities through hard work.
Waiting for the perfect moment can hold you back.
Instead, take action and create your own opportunities.
Through ...

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Problem: Federal spending on intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) needs to be tracked
Solution: KU researchers provide detailed state-by-state data on how $80.6 billion in federal funds support
University of Kansas researchers have analyzed how $80.6 billion in federal funds support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) across the U.S. This research, part of the State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ongoing Longitudinal Data Project, offers a comprehensive look at how these funds are distributed and utilized, highlighting the impact of the 1999 Olmstead v. L.C. Supreme Court decision, which deemed unjustified segregation of people with disabilities as a violation of the ADA.

Key Findings:
Federal Spending: In FY2021, the U.S. spent $80.6 billion on IDD services, with 87% of the funding channeled through Medicaid-related services. This spending constitutes about 0.1% of the federal budget.
State Budgets: IDD services make up between less than 1% to 6% of state budgets, averaging 2.57%.
Shift to Community-Based Care: Since the 1981 waiver for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), funding has moved from institution...

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Problem: Feeling weighed down by negativity.
Solution: Focus on the positive & watch your worries fade.
Life can get cloudy sometimes, with worries and negativity casting a shadow.

Shift your attention to the positive things in your l...

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aSuggestion is a pro-social network designed to safely send anonymous suggestions to the right people.

Once logged in, you can shadow organizations, make and reply to suggestions and interact with our vibrant community.

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